CAS-ual FridaysChallenge - CFC 174 Sketch

Good morning!  And Happy Memorial Day to you and yours.  This is such a bittersweet day, we rejoice in honoring those who have fallen for us which makes me so proud to be an American.  But the bitter part is so clear.  It makes  me so sad at the same time.  

I have not been feeling well this past week, so no blogging for me.  However, last night I woke up after being sick all day and felt really good for a few hours.  The husband and some of the kids were at a BBQ, so I took advantage of the quiet and got some cards made.  This one has been rolling around in my head for awhile - since I saw the post for this CAS-ual Fridays Sketch Challenge #174.

Whew, this may have been the most difficult card technically that I have ever made.
I took my Flower Power stamp set and inked up each letter separately with Simon Says Stamp Black ink.  I just got this ink and love that I can watercolor or use my alcohol markers with it and don't have to decide before I make the card. Perfect for a mind changer like me.

I had to ink each letter and put washi tape over the other letters in the word to avoid them stamping on my card.  Lets just say I wish now - more than ever- that CAS-ual Friday stamps would just make an alphabet of these awesome letter stamps.  It would make my life better in Oh so many ways!

I decided to watercolor these, although if I had a second chance and another few hours to re-create this I think I would try markers the second time around.  I used Distress inks to paint- this may be the first time I did not splash the end product.  I think it would take away from the beauty of this alphabet.

I used Abandoned Coral, Spiced Marmalade, Fossilized Amber, Mermaid Lagoon, Peacock Feathers, Salty Ocean, Cracked Pistachio, Seedless Preserves, Shaded Lilac and Distress Oxide Wiled Violet.  

I used a silver gel pen to put some dots on the letters as well as glossy accents for the center of the flowers.  

When finished, I mounted on a 6 x 6 silver paper and card.  

I am off to post a few more cards - then head to the hardware store to pick up some items to build a better lighting system to take card pics.  I just hate my current system and no time like the present to take action!
Thanks and Happy Memorial Day!


Michelle W said…
WOW, I love your card and all the effort you out into making it! Beautiful!! Thanks for playing along on the CAS-ual Fridays challenge.

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